Monday 30 May 2011

A whole new world

School's been good these few days, although i'm starting to get dreadful with all the lectures and assignments. :(
I must say, Poly is really an eye opener for me. I get to meet people from all walks all life. When i mean all, it includes gays, lebanese and etc.
I'm not against them, instead I think they're really cool and special people. Support the PinkDot!
They dare to stand up for themselves, which is really daring.
Scholarship interviews are driving me crazy. It's the last and final round this Wednesday. i really hope I would get it. :( at least to make my parents proud of me. :D
My mum is really wonderful. She stands by me and never gives up on me despite the dreadful results I got during my secondary school days. I'm really grateful for that. :)
And also my grandma, she's been the one taking care of me since I was an infant. I want her to be happy and see me in my graduation robe. Not forgetting my grandpa too.
I'm getting too sentimental aren't I?
Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

high cheek bones.

hi all! i realise it's been ages since i've updated this daed space of mine. been wanting to retrieve it long ago. just that i was just TOO lazy.
meet my IZZIT gang up there. haha, inside joke! but it's really funny when Mardy does it..
haha, i'm giggling to myself now.
assignments are pilling up, and so is the stress! LIKE A MOUNTAIN YO~
went for the scholarship interview today. hopefully i can make it though. hope all the last on-the-spot-thinking helps a lot... :( have faith Nicole!
and everyone who is currently taking MYE now, including my sister.
Mother's day is around the corner...hmmm, what shall i do? hehe <3
maybe bake a cake for her? or do a card for mum? dilemma!
i cannot wait to have attachments to various industries! sorry for that abrupt change of topic, it's 1236am. hehe, well i'm suppose to be asleep!
and today i feel weird and bloated.
god bless everyone, PS: the election fever is seriously HOT!