Wednesday 26 January 2011

happy birthday

Dearest Charles,
I know your birthday has passed, but it's the thought that count. So here goes.
Happy Birthday first of all. :D You're finally 18. At this age, you can probably do many things that normal teens like me can't do. Buy beer legally, go to pubs and all. Sure is fun! :P
You've been an awesome guy, though sometimes petty. Just a little tad. Hehe :P
You've always been there for me. Through the hard times and the happy times we shared. I"m truly grateful for that.
You've played an important role in my life, and I do hope that you do stay in my life.
Being my best friend and watching girly movies together. :D
You've been an encouraging friend. Never fail to make me smile when I'm down. Nevertheless, there were times whereby we quarrel and argue. Fortunately we're still going strong. :)
You give great advices, and you understand girls more in-depth than how girls understand themselves.
Also, you're a really great fashion advisor. Muhahaha~
I do hope that we can keep in contact via Viber and emails.
(I told you Viber creates wonders) :P
Please don't forget me alright!!! All the best to you, and may the good Lord bless you.
With love,
Nicole (L)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

expect the unexpected.

The results are out, and I'm happy to say that I'm contented with my results. *inserts smiles*
Even though I'm kinda disappointed with my science results, but still, I'm not really a science person. So yeah, I've tried my best!
Hard work does pay off.
To speak the truth, I've been slacking all the way during my Secondary 4 days. Except for the tense period before prelims. :/
I don't see the importance of studying so early! Feel kinda stupid feeling that way though.
Anyw, hopefully i get to the course I want though. :D
*cross fingers*

Monday 10 January 2011

a brand new start

this pix is very cute so i chose it. but it has completely nothing to do with my post below. hah
So yes, the moment of truth is over! and i am happy with my results, even i didnt do well with my science :( oh well. ALL IS WELL i must say.
all the butterflies in the tummy are gone! :D yes, and i can finally say that I've made my parents proud of me! :D it's a good thing.
I cried upon receiving my results, but well. TEARS OF JOY. :)
A brand new start for me though. new school and new friends.
I must say that I am lonely most of the time, even though I may seem all happy and everything.
The truth is that I only have a few friends in school, which is not shocking at all.
I'm glad that I have happy moments with them :)
But many things have happened, and most of them hate me now i guess.
However, I am glad that a couple of them stood by me.
I'm a difficult person. You can't tell the truth from my words. So yeah, I am not a very good friend. I'll regard you guys as my very good friends in school. Even though I know you guys dislike me.
hopefully i will not do the same thing like I did to my previous friends :(