Saturday 24 July 2010

hi i feel blessed.

Bright sunny day today. Good weather (Y) Probably going for a jog later.
I read in Reader's Digest today about all the bombings in Jarkata and many nerve wrecking around the world. All of a sudden, I feel so blessed. I don't know why but yeah. like boomzxz.

Many people do not cherish what they have now, and only regret when they have lost something which is so dear to them and that regret after that. I'm considered very lucky to have a wonderful family, boyfriend, friends etc in my life. My mum says that I have a nasty temper, and yes, I do agree. I'm grateful to those people who can tolerate it, especially my family members since they living under the same roof as I do. You can choose your friends, boyfriend and many other things in life.
But, you cannot choose your PARENTS.

Though sometimes I really do hate my parents for all their nagging and scoldings. But I can't choose them. Neither did they choose me. But I do love them a lot. They are the ones who will shower me with love and care even though everyone turn their backs on me. Hi Mum, Hi Dad. I know you read my blog. anyway, Thank you for being such awesome parents and I love you.

Of course, not forgetting my dear friends around me. There's always laughters and smiles when I'm with them. They make me feel special. They make me feel like sunshine. You can forget all your troubles and laugh like a mad person when you're with them. They make me feel 'me'. Nothing to hide, all raw and just myself. Of course, there are bound to be people in life that may dislike me for some apparent reasons. But's it's ok, because I know that my friends are always there for me. :) be it rain or shine. sad or happy. ALL I WANNA SAY IS A BIG THANKYOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL SPECIAL.

To Jianwen & Charles:
Hi there, surprise to see this? heh heh heh. Jianwen, though I've disturbed you in class, but you are really nice okeh. and that came from the bottom(est) of my heart. :) thank you for the times when you always pick up the phone and 'advice' me whenever I needed help. Charles, we had just survived an ordeal! heh heh heh. We've gone through many things together. Quarrels, laughters etc. You're the closest guy friend I've had. Thank you for all the things you've done for me. (although i still owe you a meal) but! thanks for everything. and i do really hope that you wouldn't forget me when you're in states and that you would come back to singapore and visit me! :)
To Kasi, Melissa & Gawai:
Hi there! :P kakasi, mellyoo and hahawai! thank you for being there to listen to all my rants, and gossiping with me. It's really fun when we do like the uhhh~ people! :) and it's great, cause we dislike the same people. fun fun fun when mel imitates them! ahemahem. heh heh heh. It's great and awesome that you guys are my friends! Let's fight on and score well for Os!!!!! JIAAAAYOOOOUUU! (L)

To my dear friends from P6-2:
we have come so far since primary when we were little students in Cedar Primary. Come to think of it, I feel very proud of our friendship. so long ans going strong! am thankful for the days we spent tgt, and the bbq! :D meet up soon!

hi there my dearest alwaysplayfulblurcutehothornynaughty boyfriend.
I feel happy around you. No matter what I do, you're always there to hold me hand, make me smile and make me happy even when you're unhappy yourself. (ps; this is kinda public2, so i skip the mishymushy. :) anyway, thanks for everything. love you monster (L)

Wednesday 14 July 2010

I give up.

I'm a jerk. I'm unreasonable. I'm everything negative. I'm selfish. I'm not caring enough. I don't care about your feelings. I don't care about you. I don't show my concern for you. I misjudged you. I accused you everything that you didn't do. All I think is my sister's feelings, my own and my bf's. I'm in the wrong to be in a relationship. I should not have got into one in the first place. All I know is to complain about how you treat me and not Care about your feelings. I destroyed everything. So, that's what you think. Up to you. I give up. I see no point cause you don't believe me at all. But would you believe when you said " Are you sure he's the one for you? Both of your charecter are so different. I have a feeling he isn't the guy for you. " , I was feeling hurt and felt like crying at the esplanade that time? Do you? I think even if you do, you don't even care. You weren't even supportive of the idea of me and him together. Anyw, whatever it is, God bless.

Monday 12 July 2010

I just seriously don't get what you're thinking about.

I had a rather hectic week. And it's only Tuesday. God, save me. Like seriously, sometimes I find that life is really demanding. I have to balance school, family, friends and of course not forgetting my bf. Many things had happened since the start of the week. I don't know why I get the feeling that my good friend had really changed. He wasn't a person who would complain even though I didn't contact him for a couple of days. He will not throw his big tantrum about as though he is the king of the world. I really don't know what has become of him now. He just jealous at things I do. (eg, spending time with my bf). I'm sorry but I find that very disturbing and at the same time I find you rather unreasonable. It's okeh if you want me to call you and chat for a while I'm fine, but you make it sound as if you're my bf. Seriously, I find it hard to communicate with you now. You don't support me in whatever I do. You're suppose to encourage me, not use your hurtful words and push me down as though the world is gonna end. I hate when you phrase your Words in sucha manner. Really. I hate it. I've been tolerating it for so long. And it's about time you know abt it. Looking back, I really wished that the old you would come back. And not be so inflexible and just demanding an answer in whatever I do. It's feels like I have no breathing space. I'll try to make an effort to text you. If I have the time. Things are different now, he is my bf. And he didn't say anything when I said I was going out with you or whatsoever. That's the way it's suppose to be. I have many friends too y'know. And they are important figures in my life too. And so are you. I just don't wish to quarell with you again. I have my life too y'know. I know you just want me to spend time with you. But some things that you said are simply hurtful. Whatever it is, I hope you read this. Because this is really how I feel.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Friday 2 July 2010

It was a good game,

Dearest Kaka,
You've been my favourite player since the day i started watching WC.
Now that Brazil's out, it's shocking yes, but you did well. In the previous matches, though suspended from 1 game.
Neverthless, I just want to say that you are a really good player.
And Argantina would win, and not Spain, Holland or Germany. (opps, sorry Mel!)
For the win next WC!